3 Avatar-Based Virtual Event Platforms for Planners to Consider

As event professionals seek out alternatives to canceling events, these avatar-based event platforms are entering the industry just in time.


With numerous meetings and events canceled, postponed, or rescheduled due to the coronavirus outbreak, event technology companies are finding fresh and innovative ways to keep event pros moving forward. Take, for example, these three virtual event platforms utilizing avatars to provide a gamified yet connected experience for guests and planners alike. Think: The Sims—but for meetings and events. Keep scrolling for a closer look at each.


In mid-March, global event engagement platform Event Farm, which has locations in Washington and Los Angeles, announced the development of a customizable virtual world for online event experiences. In partnership with software company VirBELA, …

In mid-March, global event engagement platform Event Farm, which has locations in Washington and Los Angeles, announced the development of a customizable virtual world for online event experiences. In partnership with software company VirBELA, the platform, dubbed the Echo, is scalable to support 10,000-plus users concurrently from anywhere in the world. Key features of the program include the ability to choose from multiple meeting environments and customize a personal avatar character; there's also built-in support tools for presenters such as file sharing, laser pointers, and video casting.

Photo: Courtesy of Event Farm


Launching on April 14, London-based tech start-up and virtual event platform Teooh offers out-of-the-box virtual meeting rooms like “fireside chats” (pictured), and transports attendees to tropical islands for their event. Meetings begin w…

Launching on April 14, London-based tech start-up and virtual event platform Teooh offers out-of-the-box virtual meeting rooms like “fireside chats” (pictured), and transports attendees to tropical islands for their event. Meetings begin with avatars interacting in a large-scale event on the main stage, where they then move to smaller breakout rooms for focused group discussions. The platform also features a networking room, allowing avatars to interact with each other as if they were face-to-face.

Photo: Courtesy of Teooh


From trade shows to summits to live concert broadcasts and more, international virtual platform Virtway Eventscaters to a wide range of gathering needs, with the ability to connect 500 guests in the same digital room. The "collaborative activit…

From trade shows to summits to live concert broadcasts and more, international virtual platform Virtway Eventscaters to a wide range of gathering needs, with the ability to connect 500 guests in the same digital room. The "collaborative activities" feature is one of the key highlights of the platform, offering teambuilding games and escape rooms where avatar teams must investigate, deduce, debate, and negotiate to succeed.

Photo: Courtesy of Virtway Events






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