Ebook: Older Buildings, Younger Occupants

Challenge: This asset was created with the intention of targeting facility managers in need of upgrading their facilities to appeal to a younger crowd. Messaging that centers around staying ahead of the competition guides the reader towards a convincing argument in favor of building upgrades.

Solution: An engaging yet informative ebook that features key areas for potential facility upgrades. Extensive research covering millennial workplace trends supports the message that upgrading your facility can help your workplace stay relevant in modern times.

Facility Engineering Services Infographic

Challenge: For this asset, the goal was to create a data-backed engineering infographic that would be both engaging and educational. The challenge was finding specific statistics that related to each service, in order to invoke a sense of urgency for engineering maintenance.

Solution: Created a clear, concise piece that touched on all the elements of facility engineering services (ie: HVAC, plumbing, electrical, etc). With compelling statistics to back up the need for each service, this infographic provides a strong argument for the importance of on-site engineering maintenance.

Janitorial Retargeting Ad

Challenge: This ad is part of a massive overhaul to refresh website ads and catch the attention of potential new clients. The mission for the janitorial ads was to touch on client pain points and offer a clear, concise solution.

Solution: An ad that utilizes the parallels of “clean” and “care” to create a message that is both clear and attention-grabbing.  “Clean” speaks to the expert janitorial services we offer, while “care” recognizes the personalized, human-centric approach that ABM team members bring to the table.

Client Engagement Email - Sustainability

Challenge: Create an Earth Day email for client engagement campaign. Goal was to educate clients on the importance of facility sustainability initiatives and guide them to existing ABM sustainability-related assets.

Solution: An email that combines both informative sustainability statistics and a casual yet authoritative tone. The result? A concise, persuasive message with a 51% open rate (avg. email open rate for all industries is 21.33%). 

Illuminating Effects of Lighting Upgrades

Challenge: Create an engaging asset that describes the advantages of lighting upgrades, playing on facility manager pain points when it comes to quality lighting. 

Solution: An informational yet entertaining guide that touches on the human-centric benefits of upgraded lighting (like increased safety and productivity) as well as enhanced sustainability and energy savings. Compelling statistics enhance the  solid case for lighting upgrades.

Badge Advertisement for VenuesNow Conference

Challenge: Create copy for badge for attendees to wear at VenuesNow conference. With a target audience of Sports & Entertainment venue managers, this sponsored ad was requested to include a simple message about who ABM is. 

Solution: With audiences beginning to return to stadiums and venues, I wanted to emphasize the importance of visitor health. With a nod to the exciting nature of events, I used the parallel between “unforgettable experiences” and “healthy spaces” to create a message that would speak to venue managers. 


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